Helping school systems, communities, and youth-serving organizations transform discipline practices to promote youth behavioral health.
Specializing in substance use school discipline. |
Consulting Programs
ComprehensiveSchool Discipline Climate and Culture Assessment & SupportSchool discipline consulting project focused on helping schools take stock of their school discipline culture, strengths and needs. Also includes the Substance Use Best Practice Audit.
Learn more... |
BriefSubstance Use School Discipline Procedure ReviewBrief review of a school's or school district's substance use procedures and practices with feedback and recommendations to align with best practice.
Learn more... |
Research-based substance use school policy, procedure, and practice expertise
Support that is responsive to your school's unique context, needs, and capacity.
Featured Service
The School Discipline System Check-Up℠ is a strategic consulting project that helps middle and high schools:
Now recruiting schools for fully-funded projects in WA State* during the 24-25 School Year.
*Select regions of WA Please submit a contact form or email for more information. |
Potential funding sources: |
Current and former partners...
WA State Education and Health Department Partners
CPWI and DFC Coalitions Partners
WA State Schools & School Districts Partners
*School Discipline System Check-Up Projects
Meet the founder
Tammy Dee, Principal Consultant
MSW, University of Washington, Seattle 2012
Tammy Dee, MSW (she/her) with 15 years of experience in school discipline reform, youth substance use and violence prevention, and youth behavioral health. She primarily provides consulting services focused on school discipline and school mental health programs. She has worked as a School Social Worker for 6 school years, taught undergraduate Social Work courses, conducted research on the implementation of Restorative Practices in schools in Australia, worked in non-profit management roles, facilitated Restorative Circles with youth as a Youth Advocate and Program Coordinator, and co-authored research articles and a book chapter on child abuse and neglect. She is especially passionate about helping schools transform discipline systems to prevent youth substance use and juvenile justice involvement, and promote equitable youth mental health outcomes.
Quick tips
for educators to promote student mental health
Take a look below (hover over icons) for research-based insights on strategies to promote youth mental health. These tips are for parents, educators, and youth-serving professionals working tirelessly to raise courageous, resilient, and compassionate children and teens. *Mobile-responsive not currently available.